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"Dr. John" J. Riordan


In my early twenties I had two "eye opening" events in my life. The first one was literal. I received my first pair of eyeglasses. I still remember how amazed I was to see the world for the first time. It was so crisp and clear. I didn't know that the world was so beautiful and distinct looking. I had gradually gotten used to blurry vision, and didn't even know that it was not normal.

The second was in regards to my back. I was born with, or grew up with, scoliosis and was never diagnosed as a kid. I always had back pain, but I thought that was a normal part of life. My father decided to go back to school later in life. After I had left home he began chiropractic school. I had not even heard of "chiropractic" until then. I went to visit him one day, and he practiced on me. What a difference I felt. It was if my eyes were opened once again. There was life without back pain. I learned then that back pain was not normal!

Many times in my practice I have had patients tell me "Oh, that's just my normal back pain." My goal in life has been to open people's eyes to the fact that back pain is not normal. I have seen time and time again patients discover this truth for themselves under my care. It is an awesome experience to see their eyes opened for the first time.

I'd like to share a little about myself. My name is Dr. John Joseph Riordan. My friends and patients usually call me "Doc" or Dr. John because my last name is difficult for most to pronounce. I prefer that, but just for the record it is pronounced "rear-done".

I was born in Grants Pass, Oregon. I am the oldest of 13 children, 11 boys and 2 girls. We were always a very poor, but a very happy and close family. We lived there until I was in my freshman year of High School. It was then that my family decided to move closer to our Hawaiian roots {my grandmother is 1/2 Hawaiian}, and we moved to Hawaii. I fell in love with Hawaii and most especially the beach and the beautiful mountains. I graduated from High School there, and finished two years of college at Brigham Young University--Hawaii Campus.

I then had the opportunity of serving a two year mission for my church in Orange County, California. I learned Spanish and worked with the Hispanics in that area. It was one of the most rewarding times in my life being able to see the changes in people's lives as they came to know their savior Jesus Christ. After completing my mission I moved to Kansas City, MO where my father was attending Chiropractic school. While there, I met a beautiful girl, and well, the rest is history. My wife and I have four children and seven grandkids.

We decided to move to Bloomington, Minnesota where I attended Northwestern College of Chiropractic. Upon graduation we moved to Phoenix, Arizona where I was able to use my Spanish frequently. I worked for a large Chiropractic group while there. I have never been afraid of work, and work I did. I worked almost eighty hours a week and gained a great deal of experience. I was able to perfect my adjusting skills on literally thousands and thousands of patients. I owe my gentle technique to those years as I had the opportunity of treating many car accident victims that were in extreme pain.

After almost five years in Arizona, my family and I decided it was time to move back to Oregon, and we returned to Grants Pass in 1997. What an eye opening experience to go from the flat, brown desert to the very green and beautiful mountains of Oregon.

I had my own practice in Southern Oregon for over 10 years. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Oregon and was able to treat thousands of patients with a variety of conditions. I formed many great friendships while in Oregon and took with me many great experiences and memories. We decided that we wanted to live closer to my wife Ari’s family and so during the Fall of 2009 we sold the practice and relocated to the Kansas City area. After practicing for a few months in Shawnee, Kansas; I purchased the practice here in Warrensburg. Over the last few years we have grown exponentially and been able to successfully treat so many local Johnson County residents. We have relocated to a more spacious building recently and I have enjoyed making new memories and creating new friendships here in the Show Me State.

I have realized in the last few years what really matters in life: my God, my family and my health. I live my life accordingly. I serve my God, by serving others whenever possible. When I am not in my office it is family time. I thoroughly enjoy the time I have with my family.

I have found chiropractic to be extremely rewarding. I can't help everybody, but I have been able to help almost everybody that has come into the office for care.

If you are new to chiropractic, or just have normal neck or back pain I invite you to give it a try. You may be surprised and possibly experience an eye opening event in your life.

To your health,

"Dr. John" J. Riordan DC


• I receive at least 50 hours of continuing education a year, to keep up to date on the most recent research and techniques.

• Graduated from Northwestern College of Chiropractic {now Northwestern Health Sciences University} in 1993

• Bachelors of Science from Excelsior College in New York

• Associates of Science from Park College

• Undergraduate at Brigham Young University--Hawaii Campus


• Licensed to practice Chiropractic in Missouri 2008.

Memberships & Associations:

• Missouri State Chiropractic Association

• Boy Scouts of America {proud to say I achieved my Eagle Scout Award}



I can’t remember a time in my young life when I didn’t have back pain. As a clumsy kid who loved playing outdoors I fell a lot, especially when I was roller skating or rollerblading. In college the problem was exacerbated by other injuries. I fell on my elbow when I was employed as a housekeeper which injured my shoulder, and I was involved in a car accident. A few years down the road I was in constant pain. In my brain, a family history of pain dictated that I would just have to live with it.

In the fall of 2010 I woke up one morning with a severely stiff neck. Within a week I started to notice numbness in my hands when I slept. I was also experiencing swelling in my hands and wrists. I started seeing multiple doctors as the condition rapidly worsened. After multiple rounds of blood work came up with nothing I was told I had carpal tunnel syndrome. The numbness in my hands continued to worsen, as did the pain in my back, so I continued to seek help. I could no longer use scissors. I had to take breaks when holding a pen, crayon, or silverware. I saw a rheumatologist who was convinced that I had rheumatoid arthritis. When I did not he tried to send me to have testing done for carpal tunnel surgery. I was devastated. In the span of 3 months or less I had gone from fully functional to being severely limited in my movement. It felt like no one could help me.

It was at that point that I gave in to my friends insistence that I come see Dr. John. I was skeptical to say the least. After my exam it was decided that my neck and back were severely misaligned.

I started noticing changes quickly once I started my treatments. I had been living on heavy painkillers for several months. Within a few weeks I was completely off of them. It wasn't long before I was finally able to sleep through the night again. As things improved my swelling went down, the numbness decreased, and I was able to resume activities with my kids that I had been forced to give up. It was like being a new person. Gradually I improved to where I am today. I have no numbness in my hands at all and it is rare that I have any back pain. I continue to receive adjustments to help maintain my current back and neck health.

I started working for Dr John in the Spring of 2012. As the business has grown I have gone from being a filing clerk, to receptionist, and now I am part of the office management team. I love my work. I love seeing patients improve over time just as I have improved.

In my home life I am married to a wonderful man, and we have three beautiful children. We enjoy spending time outside expanding our garden skills, playing games, and learning about canning and preserving our own food.


I began seeing a Chiropractor in High School when I was in pain. I have continued throughout the years, even while I was pregnant! When I was involved in a serious car accident and sustained injuries to my back and neck the first person I called was Dr. John. I did not call my primary Doctor. I knew without any doubt that seeing him would not just cover my symptoms with pain killers and muscle relaxers. I would recommend Dr. John to anyone that needs healing and relief from pain. In fall of 2013 I joined Dr. Johns team and have been happily greeting patients and scheduling appointments ever since.

Away from the office, I am a mommy to two little boys and I enjoy spending time with my husband on our farm.



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Our Location

420 East Young Ave. Warrensburg, MO 64093

Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule


8:00am - 12:00pm

2:00pm - 6:00pm


8:00am - 1:00pm


8:00am - 12:00pm

2:00pm - 6:00pm




8:00am - 12:00pm

2:00pm - 6:00pm



